Robert Pruden |
Robert Pruden is an 18 year old young man from New York City. He is the middle child of 5 brothers and sisters. He spent 13 months in jail for violating the law. Upon his release he vowed to never return, deciding to turn his life around by becoming a role modal for his siblings. The love of his father and mother persuaded him to work towards his new life goals of attaining his G.E.D and college degree in physical therapy. Roberts role modal is his father who allowed him to realize his freedom and independence meant more to him then getting into trouble. He is now 3 weeks away from testing for his G.E.D and hopes to begin studying physical therapy in April 2013 at La Guardia College. When asked if there were one thing you could change about New York City what would it be? He responded, "I want to see more jobs for everyone. That would make things much easier for people to live". Next when asked what one good thing did you get out of being a Friends member, he responded " They pointed me to the Hub where I started off to get my G.E.D". Lastly, he hopes to make his family proud of him by attaining his college degree and in addition to land a job that will help him pay for college.
Interviewed by: Miguel A. Salamanca (Intern from Monroe College)
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