Friday, February 1, 2013

Central Park 5 a review by Miguel A. Salamanca ( Intern from Monroe College)


As I sat there in the IFC Theater in the lower west village in New York City surrounded by what appeared to be at least 25 people my interpretation of the film Central Park Five is one of astonishment and amazement.

I remember watching those media images when the young men where accused of committing the crime of rape and assault. I was in junior high school at the time. I remember thinking the city was crazy for blood and they found it in these young men. I as a teenager was afraid to enter Central Park (C.P) for many weeks after that event. The media made this heinous crime a frightening experience for us all. I was charged up and equally as frightened to be a teenager living in the city, afraid to visit Central Park any time of day.

The feeling of astonishment came as a result of reliving the news footage of those days gone by. I was angry and bewildered by the media coverage of this event. They made it out to be so scary. Making us young men of the South Bronx and other boroughs look unruly and determined to rape and pillage anyone that got in our way because we grew up in the hood and life was against us and us against the world.

Looking back now I see that New York City residents were mad at the world. For the most part wanted to believe that the infallible NYPD was on the case and would have their men and case would be closed soon enough. Mayor Koch at the time was overjoyed with the resiliency and patience the police had with handling the case.  A verdict would soon be met.

I see the people wanted to believe that they are being taken care of by the police. But what the city failed to keep in mind was several factors. Although they the young men where teenagers at the time, they all had one thing in common. They had not lived life to the fullest. They like many teens did not yet experience more then a passing kiss from many girlfriends or have sex. Looking back at those young faces how could you NYC be lead to believe that these young kids could possibly commit this crime at that an early age. You were gullible and frightened for no good reason but to seek justice in a crime committed by the alleged culprits.

I am 38 years old now. I see this film already know the outcome years after the young men were released. I am a criminal justice major at Monroe College in the Bronx. I feel that we still have a long way to go before proper police investigations and technology marry hand in hand forming a perfect union making it a seamless process from arrest to prosecution of the right people.

Provided for by: Miguel A. Salamanca ( Student intern from Monroe College)

1 comment:

  1. For the most part wanted to believe that the infallible NYPD was on the case and would have their men and case would be closed soon enough. Interesting sharing.

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